K14:- Kodak's chemical process for developing Kodachrome slides.
Kallitype:- obsolete printing process, resembling the platinum process. The image is formed in metallic silver rather than expensive platinum.
Kelvin (K):- unit of measurement on the absolute temperature scale, used to describe the color content of continuous spectrum light sources.
Kerr cell:- high speed shutter without moving parts, using two crossed polarizing filters at either end of a cylinder filled with nitrobenzine.
Keyed emulsion sensitivity:- term used to describe the color response of color printing papers which have peak sensitivities to the three dye colors present in the same manufacturers color negatives.
Key light:- studio light used to control the tonal level of the main area of the subject.
Kilowatt:- unit of 1000 watts. Used to measure the power of an electrical light source.
Kinetic:- concerned with movement and motion.
Knifing:- method of removing marks and other blemishes from the surface of a print by gentle scraping with the tip of a sharp knife.
Kostinsky effect:- development effect in which dense image points are inclined to move apart, relative to each other, and light image points to move together, relative to each other. This occurs because developer is not being equally distributed over the image point and is rapidly exhausted when to heavily exposed image points are close together.
Kromskop:- early viewing instrument invented by F.E. Ives, embodying a system of mirrors and color filters to synthesize a full color image. This enabled monochrome transparencies made from separation negatives to be rear-illuminated through blue, green and red filters, and then been seen combined in register as a single image.